experienceguildford online from home Experience Guildford at the click of a button from the comfort of your living room! Order a takeaway There are plenty of ways you can stay home. save lives and still support local businesses. DONATE Order a takeaway to enjoy the same delicious dishes you visit town centre restaurants for. delivered straight to your door. Support a Crowdrunding campaign Need a present for that special someone you can't see right now? Visit your favourite indie retailer's online shop to grab gorgeous gifts or vouchers that can be used at a later date. If you've got any money to spare, a donation to a crowdfunding campaign could make a big difference. Buy a gift voucher, pay it forward Something as simple as writing a positive Facebook review could give a kocal business the boost they need without costing you a penny. Support Guildford now so that the great shops and restaurants you love re-open as bricks and mortar businesses when the time comes. For more information visit: Like and share or write a www.experienceguildford.co.uk/isupportguildford positive review eg #ISupportGuildford FOLLOW US Brought to you by f @ExperienceGford experienceguildford experienceguildford experienceguildford online from home Experience Guildford at the click of a button from the comfort of your living room! Order a takeaway There are plenty of ways you can stay home. save lives and still support local businesses. DONATE Order a takeaway to enjoy the same delicious dishes you visit town centre restaurants for. delivered straight to your door. Support a Crowdrunding campaign Need a present for that special someone you can't see right now? Visit your favourite indie retailer's online shop to grab gorgeous gifts or vouchers that can be used at a later date. If you've got any money to spare, a donation to a crowdfunding campaign could make a big difference. Buy a gift voucher, pay it forward Something as simple as writing a positive Facebook review could give a kocal business the boost they need without costing you a penny. Support Guildford now so that the great shops and restaurants you love re-open as bricks and mortar businesses when the time comes. For more information visit: Like and share or write a www.experienceguildford.co.uk/isupportguildford positive review eg #ISupportGuildford FOLLOW US Brought to you by f @ExperienceGford experienceguildford experienceguildford